Professor Emeritus Ribbens publishes 8th edition of Understanding Automotive Electronics

William Ribbens, professor emeritus of electrical engineering and computer science in addition to professor emeritus of aerospace engineering, recently published an 8th edition of his textbook Understanding Automotive Electronics.
This 8th edition adds information on the latest in automotive technology, including autonomous vehicles, camera systems, hybrid control, and software networks. This enhances the electronics theory, science, and applications to automative systems found in previous versions of the textbook. Power Electronics reviewed the new text, concluding, “his intimate knowledge of automotive electronics is apparent in virtually every chapter.”
Prof. Ribbens retired in 1999 after a career in automotive electronics at Michigan. He earned his BSEE in 1960, his MSEE in 1961, and PhD in 1965, all from Michigan, and soon became an assistant and then associate professor. He was a made a full professor in 1993, and directed the Vehicular Electronics Laboratory.
Prof. Ribbens’ research focused on engine control applications, computer-assisted diagnostics for electronically controlled engines, and failure detection.