Sung-Hyun Jo receives Silver Prize in SAMSUNG Human-Tech Thesis Prize
The Samsung HTP, established in 1994, is one of the most prestige thesis awards in Korea.

Sung-Hyun Jo, graduate student in electrical engineering, received a Silver Prize in the 15th SAMSUNG Human-Tech Thesis Prize (HTP) for his thesis, “Programmable Switching in Two-Terminal Resistive Switches and Crossbar Memory Arrays.”
Sung Hyun Jo started his research on a Si memristive system in 2005 under the guidance of Prof. Wei Lu. In his thesis, he demonstrated 1kb crossbar memory in which the active components are hysterestic resistors formed at the points where two nanowire arrays cross each other. The crossbar memory based on a Si memristive system is not only CMOS compatible, but also can potentially offer fast access time similar to DRAM with nonvolatile property and higher data density ( >> 10Gbits/cm2) than any type of hard drive currently available.
The Samsung HTP, established in 1994, is one of the most prestige thesis awards in Korea. The Prize is intended to search for creative and driven young people who will lead the field of science, to encourage research at the collegiate level, and to increase the awareness of the importance of technology in society.
This year more than 1000 papers were submitted by graduate and undergraduate students in all engineering & science areas. Five Gold, 15 Silver, and 20 Bronze awards were selected.